Forest NC
Learning to Umpire
We have a new way to learn netball at our brand new Netball Learning Centre! Head to to get started.
Login with your current Username and Password. This page will appear.

It is highly recommended that prior to commencing this exam you read a copy of the Rules of Netball.
To pass the Rules of Netball Theory Examination, you must score at least 70%. If you score less than 70% you will need to complete the exam again to be registered as a pass with Netball Australia, your State Netball Organisation and your local Association/Club.
Duration and Cost
You will have two (2) hours to complete the exam, so make sure you have enough time set aside without interruptions. If you don’t finish within the required time, it is still worth submitting the exam as you may have enough correct answers to pass. The cost is $14.50 to enrol. (Includes payment transaction fees)
Foundation Umpire Education Course
This course has been designed to assist you in achieving the necessary skills and knowledge to be an effective umpire and enjoy your officiating role. The Foundation Umpire Education Course is a pre-requisite for obtaining a National C Badge.
The course looks at:
A good umpire
Getting started
Umpiring techniques
Rules in action
Where to now?
Who is this course for? Aspiring new umpires.
Duration and Cost
The course is in 6 modules, approx. 30 minutes each. You can complete this over time logging in and out, saving what you have finished as you go.
The cost is $45.00 to enrol. (includes payment transaction fees)
Once you have passed any of the courses save a copy of your certificate. Please send a copy of the certificate to
Payment is required before you can proceed. Forms of payment accepted are Visa or Mastercard.
Rules of Netball Exam - $14.50
Foundation: $45.00
The Forest Netball Club Umpires Convenor will record your course accreditation.
Karen Willetts
Forest Umpires Convenor
Scroll down the page to find the following:

Umpiring - Winter Competition 2025
Forest has a Paid Umpiring Program and a Paid Umpiring Mentor Program for the 2025 Winter Competition.
This will help develop a larger pool of more highly skilled umpires which will be a valuable asset for the club - as the better our umpires are, the better it is for our members.
Forest Netball had an Umpiring Information Evening. You can download a copy of the Umpiring Presentation here
More information about our Paid Umpiring Program
More information about our Paid Umpiring Mentor Program