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Forest NC

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Paid Umpiring

Forest has a Paid Umpiring Program

Apply now if you would like to be part of this program. Email the form to

Who’s eligible?

As with previous years, 10YR and 11YR players are too young to umpire and will NOT be eligible for this program.

14YR players

  • A minimum one year (as a 13YR player) participation in TID program

  • Current completion and passed the Netball Australia Umpires Online exam and Umpires Foundation Course

15YR players

  • A minimum one year (as a 13YR or 14YR player) participation in the TID program

  • Current completion and passed the Netball Australia Umpires Online exam and Umpires Foundation Course

All Cadet and Senior players.

  • Cadet and Senior players are believed to have the maturity and many years’ experience with netball to be capable of umpiring. 

  • Payment will be based on the guidelines below.


Non-Paid Volunteering/Development

12YR -   continue to umpire 10YR

13YR, 14YR – continue to umpire 11YR, 13YR and 14YR

MWNA Payment Guidelines/Per Game

Not badged - $15

TID - $20

National C - $30

National B - $40

National A - $45

  • A maximum of 2 paid umpiring games per day.

  • Any paid umpiring must be authorised by Karen Willetts as the Club Umpires Convenor to ensure the replacement paid umpire is of the right calibre and skill for the game.

  • No payments will be made unless that authorisation is given.

Administration of payments

To claim your payment you must complete the following:

- Sign the scoresheet clearly with your full name (preferably in the coach section). This can be done at any time throughout the game.

- Take a photo of your signature making sure that the details of the game (time, court, grade) etc. are visible.

- Email this to the email address - - preferably by 5pm on Sunday to make that weekly payment cycle.

All Forest registered players and approved umpires will receive payment via EFT every Monday, following their Saturday umpiring duty.

If you have any other questions regarding this program, please direct them to

Forfeit/Wet Weather Cancellation

Prior Notice and non-attendance on the day – no payment made

Late notice and have attended on the day – full payment

Penalties for Non-Attendance

The allocated paid umpire is responsible for completing their duty. 

If they are unable to do so they must provide a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to the Forest Umpires Convenor.

If no notice is given that umpire will be removed from the paid list until consideration by the Forest Umpires Convenor is given to return.

Forest Umpiring Roster

The roster process will remain the same as previous years for 12yr, 13yr, 14yr players.

Cadet and Senior teams are required to advise the Umpire Convenor if they wish to umpire their own duties or require a paid umpire.

The roster will be devised based on this information.

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