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Forest NC

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Welcome to Forest Netball! 

We look forward to seeing you all in action on Saturday at the Curl Curl Netball courts. Click on this Key Dates link for the 2025 Season.

Registrations for 10yr+ closed on Monday 3rd February.  

Applications after this date will only be accepted if there is space available.



A reminder that Manly will be accepting 7yrs into the competition this year. If you have any questions relating to NSG, please contact our NSG Coordinator (Louise Ambler) at


This means that we will also be pushing back our NSG "Meet the Coaches" Day. This will now be on Sunday 23rd February at 4pm at the Margaret Cliff Netball Courts at Forestville.


Uniforms will also be available to purchase at this time (and other dates TBA before season starts).

Note: NetSetGo Skills registrations for 6 & 7yr olds open Saturday 1st March, 2025.

All registrations must be completed ONLINE by clicking on the red Register now box at the bottom of this page.

This will link you with Play HQ and the online form. ALL PLAYERS (or their family) must complete the online form. Registration payments are also made online (credit card only). Note that an additional credit card fee will be incurred.

A feature of the PlayHQ platform is that you can create a Parent or Guardian PlayHQ account and can then register one or more children/dependants under the one account, allowing you to manage all the profiles going forward in one place. So if you don’t already have an account with PlayHQ, you need to set up one up by entering your email address and creating a password. Once you have registered your first child, you will be given the option at the end of the form to click a button that will allow you to register another child to the Club under your account. Once a player is registered, you will receive a confirmation email from PlayHQ.  


  1. Have the relevant information available such as player history and preferred positions. 

  2. All new players will be required to email a copy of their birth certificate/passport to

  3. Put the relevant dates in your calendar (Forest Grading Days, Meet the Coaches session and MWNA Grading Days).


The registration fees for Juniors and Seniors includes a cost to support our umpiring and mentoring program.

The overall fee is combined portions for Netball Australia, Netball NSW, MWNA and Forest Netball Club.

*Seniors                            18yrs +                                   $283

NB: Players who are turning 18yr in 2025 may elect to play in the Cadets or Seniors competition, however the registration process is all listed as Senior.

Juniors /Cadets             10 to 17 yrs                             $258

NetSetGo                        7 to 9 yrs                                $219

**NetSetGo Skills             6 & 7 yrs                              $105     

*SENIORS -  Please note that all players turning 18 (or older) in 2025 must register as a Senior.

Players who are turning 18 in 2025 may elect to play in the Cadets competition or the Seniors competition, however the registration process is all listed as Senior.

SENIOR TEAMS (NB: Please do not register until all team members have committed to play in 2025). 

Senior players must register individually but the team captain MUST email the team names to by 2nd February 2025.  Teams of 7+ players will only be accepted. If you are an individual looking for a senior team, please contact our Registrar Karen Willetts on We would love you to join the club.

NETSETGO SKILLS Program registrations for 6 & 7yrs open 1st March 2025.

This year, 7yrs can play in the Saturday competition, AND/OR they can attend our Skills Program which runs on a Sunday.

Please see separate document titled “Forest Netball NetSetGo Programs 2025” or contact our NetSetGo Convenor or Laurel Fisher for more information.


NBISC (Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre, Jackson Road, Warriewood) is booked Sunday 9th February and Sunday 16th February 8.30am - 1pm. Participation in grading assumes an understanding and acceptance of the Grading Guidelines. The guidelines can be found at under the Policies tab. Attendance at all grading sessions is compulsory for all players 10yrs – Cadets.

Parents will be asked to please drop off at the requested start time and pick up afterwards (usually approx. 2 hours).


The following age groups will be required on these dates, with further information available on our homepage:

Sunday 9th Feb – All Juniors i.e., 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs, 13yrs, 14yrs, 15yrs and Cadets

Sunday 16th Feb – 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs and 13yrs (second grading session)

There is no need for Senior teams to attend grading.

NOTE: Girls are to wear comfortable sports clothing and bring a water bottle. Nails should be short and hair securely tied back.
If you have any questions, or are unable to attend grading sessions, please contact our Grading Convenor Karen Wilson on email address


All Junior teams 10 years+ will be notified of their team and coach via email by Monday 17th February, 2025.

Coaches will arrange a team meeting.

All NetSetGo (7-9yrs) will meet their coach in person on Sunday 23rd February 2025 at 4pm at the Margaret Cliff Netball Courts, Melwood Avenue, Forestville.

An acceptance and adherence of the following Guidelines and Policies is part of the Registration Process at the commencement of the Season.

The following documents are available under the Policies tab on this website.

  1. Forest Grading Guidelines

  2. Forest Code of Conduct

  3. Netball NSW Code of Behaviour Policy

  4. Netball NSW Member Protection Policy

If you have any registration queries, please download our Registration Info or contact our Registrar Karen Willetts on

Register to play in 2025

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