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Forest NC

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Umpiring - Save the date

UMPIRING - Please save these dates in your diary.

Forest Netball will hold an Umpire Information Evening for everyone in the club (Players, parents, coaches, managers and committee members) on March 2 at 7pm at the Forestville RSL.

Our Umpires Convenor Michelle Collins will discuss the introduction of paid umpiring, general rules, umpire conduct, requirements & tools, roster system and umpire your own, TID program & development program, mentoring requirements and opportunities, plus general questions and discussion.

For 12 and 13yr players, please see below:

2023 Junior Umpire Development Program

Training and Development Session

Umpiring for 12yr and 13yr players is compulsory.

These courses are designed to provide the tools, knowledge and confidence to complete your duties.

Theory: Tuesday 21st February at Forestville RSL 6pm to 8pm

Practical: Thursday 23rd February at Margaret Cliff Courts 6pm to 8pm

Gala Day: Saturday 25th March at Curl Curl Netball Courts 8am to 2pm

Whistles will be available for purchase $10 (cash only).

Please bring exact money.

For more Umpiring information, please go to the Umpiring Tab on our website.



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